10 Free | Addition of Numbers (1-5) using Pictures Worksheets

Mathematics can sometimes be seen as a daunting subject, especially for young learners who are just beginning to explore the world of numbers. However, educators and parents have discovered that incorporating visuals and creative methods can make math much more engaging and enjoyable. One such method is the use of “Addition of Numbers Using Pictures” worksheets. In this article, we have provided 10 worksheets free for download, along with a compiled PDF version at the end of the article.

Addition of Numbers Using Pictures Worksheets

Addition of 1(one) with numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits

The below worksheet teaches students at a very basic level how to add any number to 1. This might be suitable for learners in kindergarten.

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of 2 (two) with numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits

The below worksheet teaches students to add any number to 2. This worksheet might be suitable for learners in kindergarten or even grade 1.

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of 3 (three) with numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits

The below worksheet teaches students to add any number to 3. This worksheet might be suitable for learners in kindergarten or even grade 1.

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of 4 (four) with numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits

The below worksheet teaches students to add any number to 4. This worksheet might be suitable for learners in kindergarten or even grade 1.

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of 5 (five) with numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits

The below worksheet teaches students to add any number to 5. This worksheet might be suitable for learners in kindergarten or even grade 1.

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of Numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits worksheet – 1

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of Numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits Worksheet: 2

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of Numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits Worksheet: 3

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of Numbers (1-5) using Pictures of Fruits Worksheet: 4

Addition worksheet using pictures

Addition of Same Numbers (1–5) using Pictures of Fruits worksheet

Addition worksheet using pictures

PDF Download of addition using pictures worksheet


The above worksheets are suitable for kindergarten and first-grade students.

How Do Picture-Based Addition Worksheets Work?

Picture-based addition worksheets replace traditional numerals with images, such as objects, animals, or shapes. For instance, instead of adding 2 + 3, a child might be asked to count and add two apples and three bananas together. This visual representation not only helps in understanding addition but also lays the foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.

Benefits of Addition Worksheets with Pictures:

  1. Concrete Understanding: Images provide a concrete representation of mathematical concepts, making it easier for children to comprehend addition.
  2. Engagement: Pictures capture a child’s attention and spark their curiosity, turning what could be a chore into an enjoyable activity.
  3. Visual Memory: Associating numbers with images helps children remember addition facts more effectively.
  4. Critical Thinking: These worksheets encourage problem-solving and critical thinking as children work through the pictures and calculate sums.
  5. Adaptability: Picture-based addition worksheets can be tailored to suit different levels of difficulty, ensuring that they remain challenging yet achievable.