Advantages And Disadvantages Of Friction-Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on the topic “Advantages And Disadvantages Of Friction”

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is the advantage of friction?

(a) It prevents slipping and falling
(b) It causes objects to move faster
(c) It creates a smoother surface
(d) It reduces the lifespan of machines

Question 2: What is the disadvantage of friction?

(a) It can cause wear and tear on machines
(b) It can make objects difficult to grip
(c) It can create a slippery surface
(d) It can make objects move too quickly

Question 3: How can friction be helpful in sports?

(a) It can help to slow down athletes
(b) It can help to reduce injuries
(c) It can make equipment harder to grip
(d) It can make athletes more tired

Question 4: What is the disadvantage of too much friction in machines?

(a) It can cause machines to overheat
(b) It can make machines too fast
(c) It can make machines run too smoothly
(d) It can make machines too noisy

Question 5: How does friction impact the environment?

(a) It can cause pollution
(b) It can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
(c) It can increase biodiversity
(d) It has no impact on the environment

Question 6: How does friction benefit everyday life?

(a) It helps to maintain stability when walking
(b) It causes objects to slide easily
(c) It makes machines run more efficiently
(d) It reduces wear and tear on surfaces

Question 7: What is the disadvantage of high friction in car engines?

(a) It can increase fuel efficiency
(b) It can cause engines to wear out more quickly
(c) It can make engines run more smoothly
(d) It can reduce the risk of accidents

Question 8: How does friction impact the efficiency of machines?

(a) It makes them run faster
(b) It reduces the amount of energy required to operate them
(c) It makes them more reliable
(d) It can cause them to overheat

Question 9: What is the advantage of low friction coatings?

(a) They reduce wear and tear on surfaces
(b) They increase the amount of friction
(c) They make surfaces harder to grip
(d) They reduce the lifespan of machines

Question 10: How does friction impact the performance of sports equipment?

(a) It can improve grip and control
(b) It can make equipment heavier
(c) It can reduce the durability of equipment
(d) It has no impact on the performance of sports equipment

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