Angle -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on the topic “Angle”:

Solve the following 10 questions: Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is an angle?

(a) A straight line
(b) A curved line
(c) The space between two intersecting lines or surfaces
(d) A closed figure with straight sides

Question 2: What is the unit of measurement for angles?

(a) Inches
(b) Degrees
(c) Centimeters
(d) Meters

Question 3: In which geometric shape is an angle commonly found?

(a) Circle
(b) Square
(c) Triangle
(d) Rectangle

Question 4: What is a right angle?

(a) An angle greater than 90 degrees
(b) An angle exactly equal to 90 degrees
(c) An angle less than 90 degrees
(d) An angle with no specific measure

Question 5: In a straight line, what is the sum of all angles?

(a) 90 degrees
(b) 180 degrees
(c) 360 degrees
(d) 45 degrees

Question 6: What is the complement of an angle?

(a) The angle itself
(b) The difference between the angle and 90 degrees
(c) The sum of the angle and 90 degrees
(d) The difference between the angle and 180 degrees

Question 7: If two angles add up to 120 degrees, what type of angles are they?

(a) Acute angles
(b) Obtuse angles
(c) Right angles
(d) Reflex angles

Question 8: What is the supplement of an angle?

(a) The angle itself
(b) The difference between the angle and 90 degrees
(c) The sum of the angle and 90 degrees
(d) The difference between the angle and 180 degrees

Question 9: In a triangle, the sum of all angles is equal to:

(a) 90 degrees
(b) 180 degrees
(c) 360 degrees
(d) 45 degrees

Question 10: What is an acute angle?

(a) An angle exactly equal to 90 degrees
(b) An angle less than 90 degrees
(c) An angle greater than 90 degrees
(d) An angle with no specific measure