Bar Magnet -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Bar Magnet”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is a bar magnet?

(a) A magnet with a cylindrical shape
(b) A magnet with a rectangular shape and two opposite poles
(c) A magnet used exclusively in bars and restaurants
(d) A magnet with a spherical shape

Question 2: In a bar magnet, where is the magnetic field strongest?

(a) At the north pole
(b) At the south pole
(c) At the center of the magnet
(d) At the ends of the magnet

Question 3: What happens when two bar magnets are brought close to each other with opposite poles facing each other?

(a) They repel each other
(b) They attract each other
(c) Nothing happens
(d) The poles of the magnets switch

Question 4: How can you identify the north pole of a bar magnet?

(a) It points towards the geographic north pole of the Earth
(b) It repels the south pole of another magnet
(c) It attracts the south pole of another magnet
(d) It points towards the geographic south pole of the Earth

Question 5: What happens when two bar magnets with like poles facing each other (north to north or south to south) are brought close to each other?

(a) They repel each other
(b) They attract each other
(c) Nothing happens
(d) The poles of the magnets switch

Question 6: How can you magnetize a bar magnet?

(a) By heating it to a high temperature
(b) By rubbing it against a silk cloth
(c) By striking it with a hammer
(d) By placing it in a strong magnetic field

Question 7: What are magnetic domains in a bar magnet?

(a) Microscopic regions where the magnetism is concentrated
(b) Regions with high iron content in the magnet
(c) The regions where the magnetic field is weakest
(d) The regions where the magnetic field is strongest

Question 8: What happens to the magnetic strength of a bar magnet if it is broken into two pieces?

(a) The magnetic strength increases
(b) The magnetic strength decreases
(c) The magnetic strength remains the same
(d) The magnetic strength becomes zero

Question 9: What is the most common material used to make permanent bar magnets?

(a) Aluminum
(b) Copper
(c) Iron
(d) Lead

Question 10: How can you demagnetize a bar magnet?

(a) By exposing it to extreme heat
(b) By dropping it from a height
(c) By placing it near a strong magnetic field
(d) By hammering it repeatedly