Chromatography -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Concentration Of Ore”:

Solve the following 10 questions: Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is the process of removal of gangue (unwanted impurities) from the ore called?

(a) Leaching
(b) Smelting
(c) Concentration
(d) Calcination

Question 2: Which method of concentration is based on the difference in the densities of ore and gangue particles?

(a) Froth flotation
(b) Magnetic separation
(c) Gravity separation
(d) Roasting

Question 3: In the froth flotation process, the ore particles become wetted by:

(a) Water
(b) Oil
(c) Acid
(d) Air

Question 4: Which method of concentration is used for the concentration of sulfide ores?

(a) Leaching
(b) Roasting
(c) Magnetic separation
(d) Smelting

Question 5: Which process of concentration involves the use of chemicals to convert the ore into a soluble compound for easy separation?

(a) Roasting
(b) Leaching
(c) Magnetic separation
(d) Smelting

Question 6: Which method of concentration is used to concentrate ores containing magnetic impurities?

(a) Roasting
(b) Leaching
(c) Magnetic separation
(d) Froth flotation

Question 7: Which process involves the heating of ore in the absence of air to remove moisture and volatile impurities?

(a) Smelting
(b) Calcination
(c) Leaching
(d) Roasting

Question 8: Which method of concentration is based on the differences in the surface properties of the ore and gangue particles?

(a) Leaching
(b) Magnetic separation
(c) Gravity separation
(d) Froth flotation

Question 9: Which method of concentration is used for the extraction of highly reactive metals like potassium and sodium?

(a) Smelting
(b) Magnetic separation
(c) Roasting
(d) Electrolytic refining

Question 10: Which method of concentration involves the crushing and grinding of the ore to separate the valuable minerals from the gangue?

(a) Smelting
(b) Roasting
(c) Leaching
(d) Comminution