Cm to inches Converter Online

Length Converter

Cm to Inches Length Converter

Explore our convenient online cm to Inches converter tool, enabling you to effortlessly convert lengths between centimeters and inches with just a few clicks. You can also try our inches to cm online converter tool.

The Formula for cm to inches conversion

The formula for converting centimeters (cm) to inches (in) is:

inches = centimeters * 0.393701

You multiply the length in centimeters by the conversion factor 0.393701 to get the equivalent length in inches.

Python Code for “cm to inches” conversion

def cm_to_inches(cm):
    inches = cm * 0.393701
    return inches

# Example usage:
centimeters = float(input("Enter length in centimeters: "))
inches = cm_to_inches(centimeters)
print(f"{centimeters} cm is equal to {inches:.2f} inches.")

Matlab Code for “cm to inches” conversion

function inches = cm_to_inches(cm)
    inches = cm * 0.393701;

% Example usage:
centimeters = input('Enter length in centimeters: ');
inches = cm_to_inches(centimeters);
fprintf('%f cm is equal to %f inches.\n', centimeters, inches);

Java Code for “cm to inches” conversion

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CMToInchesConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter length in centimeters: ");
        double centimeters = scanner.nextDouble();

        double inches = cmToInches(centimeters);

        System.out.printf("%.2f cm is equal to %.2f inches.%n", centimeters, inches);


    public static double cmToInches(double cm) {
        double inches = cm * 0.393701;
        return inches;

What is the significance of “cm to inches” conversion?

The significance of the centimeters to inches conversion lies in its role as a universal unit conversion that facilitates communication and understanding of lengths between two common measurement systems used in different parts of the world. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

  1. International Communication: Centimeters and inches are used in different regions around the world as units of length. Having a conversion between these units allows people from different countries to easily communicate and understand measurements without confusion.
  2. Global Trade and Commerce: In the international business and trade environment, various industries use different units of measurement. Standardized conversion between centimeters and inches helps streamline product specifications, manufacturing, and shipping processes.
  3. Engineering and Construction: Engineers, architects, and designers often work with both metric and imperial measurement systems. Being able to convert between centimeters and inches is crucial for creating accurate designs and ensuring compatibility across different standards.
  4. Education and Learning: Many educational institutions and academic resources use both metric and imperial units. Understanding the conversion between centimeters and inches is important for students, researchers, and educators to navigate different measurement systems.
  5. Medical and Health Fields: In medical settings, medical devices, instruments, and prescriptions might use different units of measurement. Accurate conversions between centimeters and inches are essential for patient care, research, and medical documentation. Just for example, the height of a person is calculated to calculate their BMI. In some places, the height of a person is calculated in inches and some places it is done in centimeters.