Dew -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Dew”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: Question: What is dew?

(a) A type of precipitation in the form of frozen raindrops
(b) Condensed water vapor that forms on surfaces during the night
(c) The process of water evaporating from plants
(d) A type of fog that occurs near bodies of water

Question 2: Question: In which season is dew formation most common?

(a) Summer
(b) Winter
(c) Spring
(d) Fall (Autumn)

Question 3: Question: What are the primary factors influencing the formation of dew?

(a) Wind speed and air pressure
(b) Cloud cover and humidity
(c) Temperature and relative humidity
(d) Moon phase and star visibility

Question 4: Question: Which surface is most likely to collect more dew on a clear night?

(a) A metal surface
(b) A dry sand surface
(c) A surface covered with grass
(d) A surface covered with asphalt

Question 5: Question: What is the process of dew formation called?

(a) Evaporation
(b) Sublimation
(c) Condensation
(d) Precipitation

Question 6: Question: Why do objects with a dark color often collect less dew compared to lighter-colored objects?

(a) Dark objects emit more heat, preventing dew formation.
(b) Light-colored objects reflect more heat, preventing dew formation.
(c) Dark objects absorb more heat, preventing dew formation.
(d) Light-colored objects have lower heat capacity, preventing dew formation.

Question 7: Question: What is the opposite process of dew formation, where water vapor turns directly into ice on a cold surface?

(a) Dew formation
(b) Sublimation
(c) Condensation
(d) Frost formation

Question 8: Question: Which time of day is dew most likely to form?

(a) Early morning, before sunrise
(b) Late morning, after sunrise
(c) Afternoon, around noon
(d) Evening, after sunset

Question 9: Question: How does dew affect plant growth?

(a) Dew has no impact on plant growth.
(b) Dew provides additional nutrients to plants.
(c) Dew promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria on plants.
(d) Dew provides moisture to plants during dry periods.

Question 10: Question: How can dew be used as a water source in survival situations?

(a) By digging a well near a grassy area to collect dew
(b) By constructing a solar still to extract water from the soil
(c) By using a dew condenser to collect and store dew
(d) By boiling dew to purify it for drinking