Difference between force and power


The push or pull of an object is considered a force. Push or pull come from the objects interacting with one another. Invisible action leading to the motion of an object to a new position from its original position is called Force. It is a vector product, as it has both magnitude and direction.  

Magnitude is the amount of force applied, while the direction is the course of action.


Mathematically, the force can be expressed as :


Where m is the mass of the object 

a is the acceleration 

F is the force applied 

Acceleration a is given by,

a = v/t

where v is the velocity of the object,

t is the total time

F =mv/t

Inertia formula is termed as 

p =mv


F = p/t 

= dp/dt


Power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit of time. The output power of a motor is the product of the torque that the motor generates and the angular velocity of its output shaft.

From the definition of the power, one watt is equal to one Joule of work done per second. So if P represents the Power in Watts, Δis the change in energy and Δis the time taken in seconds.


Mathematically it can be represented as,

P = W/t

= Δ/ t


P is the power ( Watts)

W is the work done (J)

Δis the energy transferred (J)

t is the time (s)

Difference between force and power:

Definition Force is an interaction between two bodies that maintain or change the motion of the body.Power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit of time.
Measuring unit NewtonWatts
Symbolic representation FP
Formula F =maP =W/t
Nature of quantity Vector quantity Scalar quantity
TypesThere are two types of forces in nature:•Contact force: Forces that act on a body either directly or through a medium are called contact forces. They include •Muscular force •Mechanical force •Frictional force•Non-contact force: Forces that act through spaces without making direct contact with the body are non-contact forces.The power is classified into
•DC power: DC power is defined as the product of the voltage and current. It is produced by the fuel cell, battery, and generator.
•AC power: It is an instantaneous power in an electric circuit that is the rate of flow of energy past a given point of the circuit. In the alternating circuit, energy storage elements such as inductors and capacitors may result in periodic reversals of the direction of energy flow.
EXAMPLES There are many forces observed in day-to-day life. •Gravitational force •Normal force•Frictional force •Air drag •Spring force•Thrust•Electric and magnetic force Examples of power :
Sunlight reaches Earth’s surface carries a minimum power of about 1.3kilowatts per square meter (kW/m2)

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