Different Optical Instruments -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Different Optical Instruments”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: Question: What optical instrument is used to magnify distant objects, making them appear closer?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Spectrometer

Question 2: Question: What optical instrument is used to view small objects or details with high magnification?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Spectrometer

Question 3: Question: What optical instrument is used to measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Spectrometer

Question 4: Question: What optical instrument uses a system of lenses or mirrors to view objects from a concealed position?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Spectrometer

Question 5: Question: What type of lens is used in a magnifying glass to produce a magnified virtual image of an object?

(a) Convex lens
(b) Concave lens
(c) Plano-convex lens
(d) Plano-concave lens

Question 6: Question: What optical instrument is used to measure the refractive index of transparent materials?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Refractometer

Question 7: Question: What type of optical instrument is commonly used in photography to control the amount of light entering the camera?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Camera lens

Question 8: Question: What optical instrument is used to disperse white light into its constituent colors, creating a spectrum?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Prism

Question 9: Question: What optical instrument is used to measure the thickness and refractive index of transparent films?

(a) Telescope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Ellipsometer

Question 10: Question: What type of optical instrument is commonly used in binoculars to magnify distant objects for both eyes?

(a) Monocular
(b) Telescope
(c) Periscope
(d) Binocular prism system