Electrical Conductivity -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Electrical Conductivity”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is electrical conductivity?

(a) The flow of electric charge through a material
(b) The ability of a material to store electrical energy
(c) The resistance of a material to electric current
(d) The voltage drop across a conductor

Question 2: Which of the following materials typically has the highest electrical conductivity?

(a) Rubber
(b) Glass
(c) Copper
(d) Wood

Question 3: The unit of electrical conductivity is:

(a) Ohm
(b) Volt
(c) Ampere
(d) Siemens per meter (S/m)

Question 4: Which of the following factors affects the electrical conductivity of a material?

(a) Temperature
(b) Color
(c) Weight
(d) Volume

Question 5: Which type of material shows nearly zero electrical conductivity at absolute zero temperature?

(a) Metals
(b) Superconductors
(c) Insulators
(d) Semiconductors

Question 6: What is the SI unit of resistivity, which is the reciprocal of electrical conductivity?

(a) Ohm
(b) Volt
(c) Ampere
(d) Ohm-meter (Ω·m)

Question 7: In a series electrical circuit with identical resistors, how does adding more resistors affect the overall electrical conductivity?

(a) Increases the conductivity
(b) Decreases the conductivity
(c) Does not change the conductivity
(d) Depends on the total number of resistors

Question 8: Which type of current is used to measure electrical conductivity?

(a) Direct current (DC)
(b) Alternating current (AC)
(c) Voltage
(d) Current density

Question 9: Which of the following materials is a good electrical insulator?

(a) Silver
(b) Aluminum
(c) Graphite
(d) Rubber

Question 10: The electrical conductivity of a material is determined by its:

(a) Weight
(b) Atomic number
(c) Atomic mass
(d) Electronic structure and mobility of charge carriers