25 Examples of neutralization reaction

A neutralization reaction is a chemical reaction between an acid and a base. This reaction yields salt and water molecules. The pH of the neutralized salts depends on the strength of the acids and base. These reactions are widely used in water treatment, soil treatment, acidity treatment, etc. In this article, we look at 25 common examples of neutralization reactions.

Neutralization reaction examples

Examples of strong acid-strong base neutralization reaction

  1. The reaction between Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium hydroxide(NaOH) to yield sodium chloride(NaCl) and water(H2O).
Neutralization reaction example - Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide example
Example of the neutralization reaction between a strong acid(HCl) and sodium hydroxide(NaOH) to yield neutral salt and water.
example of neutralization reaction

This reaction yields sodium chloride(common salt) and water. The sodium ion from the base reacts with the chloride ion to form a salt. The proton from the acid is neutralized by the hydroxide ion from the base. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and NaOH is a strong base so the resulting salt is a neutral salt. You can read more in our article on 7 types of salts.

2. The reaction between hydrochloric acid(HCl) and potassium hydroxide(KOH) to yield Potassium chloride(KCl) and water(H2O). Potassium chloride is used to treat low amounts of potassium in the blood.

strong acid-strong base neutralization reaction

3. The reaction between Hydrogen iodide(HI) strong acid and potassium hydroxide(KOH) to yield Potassium iodide(KI) and water(H2O). Potassium iodide is a neutral salt.

strong acid-strong base neutralization reaction

4. The reaction between sulfuric acid(H2SO4) and sodium hydroxide(NaOH). Both sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide are strong acids and strong bases. This results in a solid salt sodium sulfate which is again neutral with a pH of 7.

strong acid-strong base neutralization reaction

5. The reaction between nitric acid(HNO3) and sodium hydroxide(NaOH). Both nitric acid and sodium hydroxide are strong acids and strong bases. This results in a neutral salt sodium nitrate.

strong acid-strong base neutralization reaction

The reaction of strong acids with strong bases having a divalent cation

6. Hydrochloric acid(HCl) and magnesium hydroxide(Mg(OH)2), both strong acid and base react to yield water(H2O) and MgCl2. Magnesium hydroxide is a strong base generally used as an antacid to neutralize the acids in the stomach (which contains hydrochloric acid). So, this is one of the reactions that proceed during the action of magnesium hydroxide as an antacid.

example of neutralization reaction

7. Nitric acid(HNO3) reacts with strontium(II) hydroxide(Sr(OH)2) to yield strontium(II)nitrate and water.

Neutralization reaction of strong acids with strong bases having divalent cation

8. Nitric acid(HNO3) reacts with barium(II) hydroxide(Ba(OH)2) to yield barium(II)nitrate and water.

9. The reaction between Hydrochloric acid (2HCl) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) strong base to yield Calcium chloride(CaCl2) and water(2H2O). Calcium hydroxide requires 2 equivalents of acid to be neutralized.

Reaction of strong acids with strong bases having divalent cation

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

10. Ammonia(NH3) is a weak base available in gaseous form. Ammonia reacts with nitric acid(HNO3) which is a strong acid to yield to slightly acidic salt named ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate is famous in the manufacture of explosives. The proton from the nitric acid reacts with ammonia to form an ammonium ion which further reacts with the nitrate ion to form the salt.

neutralization reaction example

11. Ammonia(NH3-weak base) reacts with sulfuric acid(strong acid) to yield a salt ammonium sulfate. The neutralization mechanism in this reaction is similar to the above example.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

Examples of weak acid-strong base neutralization reaction

12. Reaction between carbonic acid(H2CO3) which is a weak acid, and sodium hydroxide(NaOH) which is a strong base. The resultant salt sodium carbonate is a basic salt.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

13. Acetic acid(CH3COOH-weak acid)reacts with sodium hydroxide, NaOH, to yield a sodium acetate(CH3COONa) salt and water.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

14. The reaction between hydrofluoric acid(HF) and sodium hydroxide(NaOH). Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid and sodium hydroxide are is a strong base. This results in a basic salt sodium fluoride. Warning: Hydrofluoric acid should be handled with great care because it is highly corrosive.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

15. The reaction between hydrofluoric acid(HF) and calcium hydroxide(Ca(OH)2). Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid and calcium hydroxide are is a strong base. This results in a basic salt calcium(II) fluoride. Warning: Hydrofluoric acid should be handled with great care because it is highly corrosive.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

16. The reaction between hydrofluoric acid(HF) and barium hydroxide(Ba(OH)2). Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid and barium hydroxide are is a strong base. This results in a basic salt barium(II) fluoride. Warning: Hydrofluoric acid should be handled with great care because it is highly corrosive.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

17. The reaction between hydrofluoric acid(HF) and strontium hydroxide(Sr(OH)2). Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid and strontium hydroxide are is a strong base. This results in a basic salt strontium(II) fluoride. Warning: Hydrofluoric acid should be handled with great care because it is highly corrosive.

Examples of strong acid-weak base neutralization reaction

Examples of acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

Carbonate salts can be considered weak bases and when reacted with acid they generate heat and release carbon dioxide along with salt.

18. Hydrochloric acid(strong acid) reacts with sodium bicarbonate(NaHCO3) to yield sodium chloride(common salt) and water with the release of carbon dioxide gas.

acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

19. Calcium carbonate a weak base reacts with hydrochloric acid(strong acid) to yield calcium chloride and water with release of carbon dioxide gas.

acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

20. Nitric acid a strong acid reacts with weak base sodium bicarbonate to yield sodium nitrate along with water and carbon dioxide gas.

acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

21. Sulfuric acid a strong acid reacts with weak base sodium bicarbonate to yield sodium sulfate along with water and carbon dioxide gas.

acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

22. Sulfuric acid a strong acid reacts with weak base calcium carbonate to yield sodium sulfate along with water and carbon dioxide gas.

acid-carbonate base neutralization reaction

Examples of weak acid-weak base neutralization reaction

23. Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, reacts with acetic acid, (CH3COOH) which is a weak acid, to produce sodium acetate(CH3COONa) and carbonic acid (H2CO3 – which is carbon dioxide dissolved in water).

weak acid-weak base neutralization reactio

24. Hydrofluoric acid(a weak acid) reacts with sodium bicarbonate(a weak base) to yield sodium fluoride which is a basic salt along with water and carbon dioxide.

Examples of weak acid-weak base neutralization reaction

25. Acetic acid which is a weak acid reacts with calcium carbonate a weak base to yield calcium acetate and water along with carbon dioxide gas.

weak acid-weak base neutralization reaction

26. Calcium carbonate reacts with hydrofluoric acid(weak acid) to yield calcium fluoride

weak acid-weak base neutralization reaction

Warning: The acid and base solutions used in the above reaction can be very dangerous. Use proper lab equipment while handling chemicals like gloves, lab coats, eye protection, etc.

A neutralization reaction is an example of which type of reaction?

In general, a neutralization reaction can be thought of as an example of a double displacement reaction. In terms of heat transfer, a neutralization reaction is a type of exothermic reaction.

See Also

Neutralization reaction
Concentration of ore
Binary compounds
Conductivity of water
Benedict’s test
10 differences between oxidation reaction and reduction reaction