Formula for tension-Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on the topic “Formula for tension”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is the formula for tension in a rope?

(a) T = mg
(b) T = ma
(c) T = mv^2/r
(d) T = F/m

Question 2: If the mass of an object is doubled, what happens to the tension in the rope holding it?

(a) It doubles
(b) It halves
(c) It remains the same
(d) It quadruples

Question 3: A 2 kg object is suspended from a rope. If the tension in the rope is 20 N, what is the acceleration of the object?

(a) 10 m/s^2
(b) 5 m/s^2
(c) 2 m/s^2
(d) 0.2 m/s^2

Question 4: If the tension in a rope is 100 N and the mass of the object being held is 50 kg, what is the force applied to the rope?

(a) 5 N
(b) 50 N
(c) 100 N
(d) 5000 N

Question 5: A 5 N force is applied to a rope holding a 1 kg object. What is the tension in the rope?

(a) 5 N
(b) 1 N
(c) 0.2 N
(d) 0.5 N

Question 6: What is tension?

(a) A force that is perpendicular to the surface of an object
(b) A force that is parallel to the surface of an object
(c) A force that is applied to an object to stretch it
(d) A force that is applied to an object to compress it

Question 7: What is the formula for tension in a rope?

(a) T = mg
(b) T = ma
(c) T = mv^2/r
(d) T = F/m

Question 8: If the mass of an object is 10 kg and the tension in the rope is 50 N, what is the force applied to the object?

(a) 0.2 N
(b) 5 N
(c) 10 N
(d) 50 N

Question 9: A 2 kg object is suspended from a rope. If the tension in the rope is 20 N, what is the acceleration of the object?

(a) 10 m/s^2
(b) 5 m/s^2
(c) 2 m/s^2
(d) 0.2 m/s^2

Question 10: A 10 N force is applied to a rope holding a 2 kg object. What is the tension in the rope?

(a) 2.5 N
(b) 5 N
(c) 10 N
(d) 20 N