Laser -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Laser”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What does the term 'LASER' stand for?

(a) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(b) Light Amplification by Stimulated Electrical Radiation
(c) Low Amplitude by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(d) Low Amplitude by Stimulated Electrical Radiation

Question 2: Which physical process is responsible for light amplification in a laser?

(a) Absorption
(b) Reflection
(c) Refraction
(d) Stimulated Emission of Photons

Question 3: In a laser cavity, what component is used to partially transmit light and partially reflect light?

(a) Photodiode
(b) Polarizer
(c) Beam splitter
(d) Optical resonator

Question 4: What is the primary difference between coherent light and ordinary light?

(a) Coherent light is monochromatic, while ordinary light is polychromatic.
(b) Coherent light is brighter than ordinary light.
(c) Coherent light is produced by LEDs, while ordinary light is produced by lasers.
(d) There is no difference; both terms refer to the same type of light.

Question 5: Which process is responsible for the emission of light in a laser?

(a) Absorption of photons
(b) Spontaneous emission of photons
(c) Absorption of electrons
(d) Spontaneous emission of electrons

Question 6: What is the active medium in a gas laser?

(a) Solid-state crystals
(b) Liquid dye solution
(c) Gaseous mixture
(d) Semiconductor materials

Question 7: Which property of a laser beam allows it to be focused to a very small spot?

(a) Diffraction
(b) Dispersion
(c) Polarization
(d) Collimation

Question 8: Which type of laser is commonly used in CD and DVD players for reading data?

(a) Gas laser
(b) Dye laser
(c) Semiconductor laser (diode laser)
(d) Solid-state laser

Question 9: What phenomenon is responsible for producing the coherent beam of light in a laser?

(a) Diffraction
(b) Interference
(c) Dispersion
(d) Spontaneous emission

Question 10: What was the first laser ever built, demonstrated by Theodore H. Maiman in 1960?

(a) He-Ne laser
(b) CO2 laser
(c) Ruby laser
(d) Semiconductor laser