Obtuse Angle -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on the topic “Obtuse Angle”:

Solve the following 10 questions: Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What defines an obtuse angle?

(a) An angle greater than 90 degrees
(b) An angle less than 90 degrees
(c) An angle exactly equal to 90 degrees
(d) An angle with no specific measure

Question 2: In a right-angled triangle, what type of angle is opposite the right angle?

(a) Acute angle
(b) Obtuse angle
(c) Straight angle
(d) Reflex angle

Question 3: What is the measure of an obtuse angle?

(a) Exactly 90 degrees
(b) Less than 45 degrees
(c) Greater than 90 degrees
(d) Exactly 180 degrees

Question 4: If an angle measures 120 degrees, what type of angle is it?

(a) Acute angle
(b) Right angle
(c) Obtuse angle
(d) Reflex angle

Question 5: Which geometric shape can have an obtuse angle?

(a) Square
(b) Triangle
(c) Circle
(d) Pentagon

Question 6: What is the relationship between an acute angle and an obtuse angle?

(a) They are complementary
(b) They are supplementary
(c) They add up to 180 degrees
(d) They have no specific relationship

Question 7: In a quadrilateral, if one angle is obtuse, what can be said about the sum of the other three angles?

(a) The sum is less than 180 degrees
(b) The sum is exactly 180 degrees
(c) The sum is greater than 180 degrees
(d) No conclusion can be drawn

Question 8: Which of the following angles is not obtuse?

(a) 100 degrees
(b) 120 degrees
(c) 150 degrees
(d) 80 degrees

Question 9: If one angle in a triangle is obtuse, what can be said about the other two angles?

(a) They are both obtuse
(b) They are both acute
(c) One is acute, and the other is right
(d) They are both right angles

Question 10: What is the smallest possible measure for an obtuse angle?

(a) 45 degrees
(b) 90 degrees
(c) 91 degrees
(d) 179 degrees