Plant Parts And Animal Products As Food -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Plant Parts And Animal Products As Food”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: Which part of the plant do we consume as broccoli?

(a) Stem
(b) Leaf
(c) Root
(d) Flower bud

Question 2: Which of the following is a product obtained from bees?

(a) Cheese
(b) Honey
(c) Yogurt
(d) Eggs

Question 3: What part of the animal is ground beef made from?

(a) Liver
(b) Ribs
(c) Meat
(d) Brain

Question 4: What part of the plant do we consume as lettuce?

(a) Stem
(b) Leaf
(c) Root
(d) Fruit

Question 5: Which of the following is a product obtained from cows?

(a) Chicken
(b) Milk
(c) Fish
(d) Shrimp

Question 6: What part of the plant do we consume as potatoes?

(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Fruit
(d) Leaf

Question 7: Which of the following is a product obtained from chickens?

(a) Beef
(b) Pork
(c) Eggs
(d) Cheese

Question 8: What part of the plant do we consume as spinach?

(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Leaf
(d) Fruit

Question 9: Which of the following is a product obtained from pigs?

(a) Milk
(b) Chicken
(c) Bacon
(d) Tuna

Question 10: What part of the plant do we consume as carrots?

(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Leaf
(d) Fruit