Quantum Mechanics -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Quantum Mechanics”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is Quantum Mechanics?

(a) The study of large celestial bodies and galaxies.
(b) The study of microscopic particles and their interactions.
(c) The study of classical mechanics and motion.
(d) The study of electrical circuits and devices.

Question 2: Which scientist is often referred to as the father of Quantum Mechanics?

(a) Isaac Newton
(b) Albert Einstein
(c) Max Planck
(d) Niels Bohr

Question 3: What is the fundamental concept in Quantum Mechanics that states that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed?

(a) The Doppler effect
(b) The photoelectric effect
(c) Superposition
(d) Uncertainty principle

Question 4: What is the smallest discrete unit of energy according to Quantum Mechanics?

(a) Photon
(b) Electron
(c) Neutrino
(d) Quark

Question 5: What is an elementary particle that has both mass and a half-integer value of spin according to Quantum Mechanics?

(a) Boson
(b) Proton
(c) Neutron
(d) Fermion

Question 6: What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics?

(a) The position and velocity of a particle cannot be known simultaneously with high accuracy.
(b) The energy of a particle is quantized in discrete levels.
(c) The motion of particles is influenced by a force equal to the product of their mass and acceleration.
(d) The total angular momentum of a system is conserved in the absence of external torques.

Question 7: What phenomenon in Quantum Mechanics allows particles to tunnel through energy barriers that classically they would not have enough energy to overcome?

(a) Diffraction
(b) Entanglement
(c) Tunneling
(d) Interference

Question 8: What does the Schrödinger equation describe in Quantum Mechanics?

(a) The probability distribution of particles in a wave function.
(b) The conservation of angular momentum in a system.
(c) The relationship between energy and momentum of particles.
(d) The behavior of charged particles in an electric field.

Question 9: What is the quantization of energy levels in an atom called in Quantum Mechanics?

(a) Superposition
(b) Wave-particle duality
(c) Quantum tunneling
(d) Energy quantization

Question 10: Which interpretation of Quantum Mechanics proposes that particles exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed, leading to the idea of parallel universes?

(a) Copenhagen interpretation
(b) Many-worlds interpretation
(c) De Broglie-Bohm interpretation
(d) Pilot-wave interpretation