Resistor Colour Codes -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

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Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is the purpose of the resistor color code?

(a) To indicate the power rating of the resistor.
(b) To identify the manufacturer of the resistor.
(c) To determine the temperature coefficient of the resistor.
(d) To represent the resistance value of the resistor.

Question 2: In the standard resistor color code, what does the first band represent?

(a) Tolerance
(b) Temperature coefficient
(c) Resistance value (tens digit)
(d) Resistance value (ones digit)

Question 3: How many color bands are there in a 4-band resistor color code?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

Question 4: What is the purpose of the third band in a 4-band resistor color code?

(a) To indicate the tolerance of the resistor.
(b) To represent the temperature coefficient of the resistor.
(c) To provide the multiplier for the resistance value.
(d) To mark the decimal point of the resistance value.

Question 5: What does a gold band on the fourth position of a resistor color code indicate?

(a) ±1% tolerance
(b) ±5% tolerance
(c) ±10% tolerance
(d) ±20% tolerance

Question 6: What does a silver band on the third position of a resistor color code represent?

(a) ×10 multiplier
(b) ×100 multiplier
(c) ×0.01 multiplier
(d) ×0.1 multiplier

Question 7: In a 5-band resistor color code, what does the fifth band indicate?

(a) Tolerance
(b) Temperature coefficient
(c) Resistance value (ones digit)
(d) Resistance value (hundreds digit)

Question 8: What is the tolerance value of a resistor with a brown band in the fifth position of the color code?

(a) ±1%
(b) ±2%
(c) ±5%
(d) ±10%

Question 9: What is the purpose of the second band in a resistor color code?

(a) To indicate the tolerance of the resistor.
(b) To represent the temperature coefficient of the resistor.
(c) To provide the multiplier for the resistance value.
(d) To represent the resistance value (ones digit).

Question 10: What is the order of color bands in a 5-band resistor color code?

(a) Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient, Resistance (hundreds), Resistance (tens), Resistance (ones)
(b) Resistance (tens), Resistance (ones), Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient, Resistance (hundreds)
(c) Resistance (hundreds), Resistance (tens), Resistance (ones), Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient
(d) Temperature Coefficient, Tolerance, Resistance (ones), Resistance (tens), Resistance (hundreds)