Sepal -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Sepal”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: What is the primary function of sepals in a flowering plant?

(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Reproduction
(c) Protection of the flower bud
(d) Absorption of water

Question 2: Which part of the flower is located immediately below the petals?

(a) Stamen
(b) Pistil
(c) Sepal
(d) Receptacle

Question 3: How do sepals differ from petals in most flowering plants?

(a) Sepals are colorful, while petals are not.
(b) Sepals are involved in pollination, while petals are not.
(c) Sepals are typically green, while petals are often colorful.
(d) Sepals do not play any significant role in flowering, while petals do.

Question 4: What is the outermost layer of the flower bud called, which protects the developing sepals?

(a) Perianth
(b) Stamen
(c) Receptacle
(d) Pedicel

Question 5: In some plant species, sepals remain fused together until flowering. What is this condition called?

(a) Petalous
(b) Staminous
(c) Carpellous
(d) Gamosepalous

Question 6: Which of the following statements about sepals is NOT true?

(a) Sepals are part of the flower's calyx.
(b) Sepals are sterile floral organs.
(c) Sepals protect the flower during its development.
(d) Sepals play a crucial role in pollination.

Question 7: The sepals are attached to the flower's receptacle at the:

(a) Filament
(b) Anther
(c) Stigma
(d) Pedicel

Question 8: What happens to the sepals after the flower blooms?

(a) They wither and fall off.
(b) They become part of the fruit.
(c) They turn into petals.
(d) They remain unchanged.

Question 9: Which plant family is well-known for having a gamosepalous calyx?

(a) Orchidaceae
(b) Rosaceae
(c) Fabaceae
(d) Lamiaceae

Question 10: What is the main function of sepals in relation to floral development?

(a) Attracting pollinators
(b) Storing nutrients
(c) Protecting the developing flower
(d) Producing seeds