Types Of Roots -Multiple Choice Questions Quiz

Interactive MCQs on “Types Of Roots”:

Solve the following 10 questions. Only one option is correct. Click on the “Submit” button when done. Click on the “embed” button to use this quiz on your website. Click on “WhatsApp” to share this quiz.

Question 1: Which of the following is not a type of root?

(a) Fibrous root
(b) Taproot
(c) Adventitious root
(d) Epiphytic root

Question 2: Which of the following types of the root is found in monocots?

(a) Taproot
(b) Adventitious root
(c) Fibrous root
(d) Prop root

Question 3: Which type of root is found in plants growing in marshy areas?

(a) Prop root
(b) Adventitious root
(c) Contractile root
(d) Pneumatophore

Question 4: What type of root is commonly found in plants that have to survive in areas with strong winds?

(a) Taproot
(b) Prop root
(c) Contractile root
(d) Adventitious root

Question 5: Which type of root is commonly used for vegetative propagation?

(a) Taproot
(b) Fibrous root
(c) Adventitious root
(d) Contractile root

Question 6: Which of the following is an example of a taproot plant?

(a) Grass
(b) Carrot
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Bamboo

Question 7: Which type of root is specialized for food storage?

(a) Taproot
(b) Fibrous root
(c) Adventitious root
(d) Tuberous root

Question 8: Which type of root is important for erosion control?

(a) Taproot
(b) Prop root
(c) Adventitious root
(d) Contractile root

Question 9: Which type of root is commonly found in plants growing in waterlogged soils?

(a) Fibrous root
(b) Adventitious root
(c) Pneumatophore
(d) Tuberous root

Question 10: Which of the following is not a function of roots?

(a) Anchoring the plant in the ground
(b) Absorbing water and nutrients
(c) Storing food and water
(d) Producing flowers and fruits