Multiplication of decimals worksheet

Multiplication of two numbers is straightforward. But, the multiplication of decimals induces some amount of doubt in deciding the decimal places in the resultant. In this article, we provide worksheets on multiplication decimals with answers below(coming soon!). We will also introduce live worksheets on multiplying decimal numbers in some time.

multiplication of decimals worksheet
Multiplication of decimals worksheet
Decimals addition grade 3
Premium Worksheets – Grade 3 Decimals addition by JacobED

Answers to the above Multiplication of decimals worksheet: 1) 514, 2) 5, 3) 75, 4) 4.06, 5) 171, 6) 355.1, 7) 200.79, 8) 559, 9) 46.42, 10) 80.13, 11) 20.61, 12) 701, 13) 101, 14) 55.31, 15) 90.73, 16) 4521, 17) 307, 18) 6220, 19) 844.7, 20) 999.9.

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