Subtraction worksheets

This article contains live(coming soon!) and free downloadable worksheets on subtraction. We have also provided image-based worksheets for a better understanding of the students!

Free subtraction worksheets

subtraction worksheets
Image-based subtraction worksheet

Answers to the above image-based subtraction worksheet: 1) 4, 2) -5, 3) 3, 4) 2.

Subtraction worksheets
Subtraction worksheets

Answers to the above subtraction worksheet: 1) 63, 2) 25, 3) 57, 4) 18, 5) 38, 6) 42, 7) 64, 8) 48, 9) 86, 10) 32, 11) 12, 12) 59, 13) 25, 14) 51, 15) 33, 16) 38, 17) 53, 18) 39, 19) 26, 20) 12.

Subtraction worksheet
Premium Worksheets – Subtraction problems using images by JacobED
Subtraction worksheets in column
Subtraction worksheets

Answers to the above worksheet: 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, 0, 4, 7, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 5, 5, -3.

Single-digit and single-digit subtraction worksheet
Single-digit and single-digit subtraction worksheet

Answers to the above worksheet are: 1) 69, 2) 14, 3) 23, 4) 23, 5) 25, 6) 52, 7) 23, 8) 24, 9) 36, 10) 23, 11) 34, 12) 5, 13) 26, 14) 12, 15) 24, 16) 4.

In this worksheet, we present the subtraction of a three-digit number(e.g 311) with a single-digit number(e.g:4). This worksheet provides a column template for the students to use the column method of subtraction. A solved example is also provided in the worksheet to get the students started in subtraction.

Subtraction of three-digit and single-digit numbers - worksheet
Subtraction of three-digit and single-digit numbers

The answers to the above worksheet are: 1) 740, 2) 406, 3) 266, 4) 683, 5) 158, 6) 912, 7) 396, 8) 479, 9) 324, 10) 566, 11) 784, 12) 523, 13) 660, 14) 852, 15) 310, 16) 454.

In this worksheet, we present the subtraction of a three-digit number(e.g 433) with a two-digit number(e.g:45). This worksheet provides a column template for the students to use the column method of subtraction. A solved example is also provided in the worksheet to get the students started in subtraction.

Subtraction of three-digit numbers with two-digit numbers by column method worksheet

Answers to the above worksheet are 206, 710, 119, 322, 610, 916, 219, 175, 802, 317, 222, 413, 216, 407, 733, 94.

See Also